I made a ton of free printable Gumball templates for you to use. There is 5 gumballs on each page. These gumballs will print to fit an 8.5x11 sheet of paper. These would be great to use in your classroom with your kindergarten, preschool, or headstart kids. I made some blank gumball templates so you can open the image up in your PAINT program and type your kids names on them to use for a cubby idea in your classroom. Or use a sharpie marker and write their name on it instead. Laminate them afterwards to make sure they hold up.
I also made templates with numbers, alphabet, food, kids names, supplies like glue, crayons, etc. Just pick out what you need and PRINT! lol
These are funny little gumball characters will a cute little buckteeth hanging out. There is so many different things you can do with these gumball templates. Try using them in your kids birthday party. Just turn them into food card displays. I made a template down below that has words on it like cake, ice cream candy, etc. Try sticking them gumballs to containers filled with food or add to blank food label cards. Skies the limit with these cute gumballs. If you have an ADOBE program then just open the black and white gumball template in there and try adding your own color theme to it to fit your needs.
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Gumball Template Printable Black and White
Here is the printable blank gumball template that you can open up in ADOBE Photoshop if you have one and fill with your own color theme. Try typing your own message or words on them gumballs. You can use different kinds of style of text to make it more fun for your event.
Here is pictures of more Gumball Templates above. You can click on the picture to pull up a larger version to see what it looks like. To print one of those picture just click on the links below. We have the alphabet, numbers, supplies, party food labels, and kids names
Alphabet Gumball Template- ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO PQRST UVWXY Z! ?& $
Numbers Gumball Template- 12345 678910
Supplies Gumball Template-Beads, Yarn, Misc, Thread, Gems
School Supplies Gumball Template- Glue, Pencils, Crayons, Paper, Scissors
Kids Names Gumball Template- Leah, John, Sarah, Allison, Becky
Birthday Food Labels- Punch, Cake, Ice Cream, Treats, Candy
Food Labels- Chips, Dip, Drinks, Forks, Spoons