Free Ice Cream Cone Sunday School Lesson For Kids
Psalms 104:34- My meditation of him shall be sweet:
I will be glad in the LORD.

Jesus Is Sweet
Sung to the tune of:
"Where is thumbkin"
Song Lyrics Created By: Church House Collection

Ice Cream Cone Activity Sheet
"Jesus Is Sweet"
(Color) or (Black & White)
Cut out and assemble the pieces on a piece of construction paper.

Ice Cream Cone Picture Frame
"Jesus Is Sweet"
(color) or (black & white)
Print and cut out. Glue to construction paper. Frame around the construction paper with Popsicle sticks. Paint the sticks pink and blue.

Just print these out and tape to a toothpick & stick down in cupcakes.

Ice Cream Cone
"Jesus Is Sweet"
Just print this off and laminate it. Use this to hold up to the kids when talking about the scripture.