How To Make Easter Sugar Eggs-DIY Tutorial
3 Cups Sugar (1 1/2 cup for each egg half)
1 Egg Mold- Got mine from Walmart
3 1/2 TSP Water Royal Icing-watch theyoutube video below to see how to make it
Jelly Beans- in any other sugar item you want to use
Colored Sprinkles-Optional Green and Blue Food Coloring

Here is my plastic egg from Wal-mart.

Now let's mix your 3 Cups of Sugar and 3 1/2 TSP of water. Just mash it up with a fork. It will look and feel like sand.
If you don't want a white sugar egg and would prefer a pretty colored one instead, then just add some food coloring to this now. Whatever color you want.

Okay now let's stuff the egg mold with the sugar mixture.

Pack the sugar down and this is what it looks like.

Let's scoop out some of the middle now.

Okay now let's turn the egg onto a cookie sheet.

Grab the other part of your egg mold for the top and fill that with sugar.
Pack down real good and then scoop out some middle.

Here is what it should look like now. Now lay this egg on the cookie sheet too.
Stick them both in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 mintues.
(This picture is actually what it looked like after it cooked)

Take the top part of the sugar egg and cut a circle in the front using a knife.
Then poke a hole and cut through the back. Be careful not to break it.

Okay now this what both eggs should look like now.
I guess I should have turned the other egg over so you could see what it looked like.

Make some Blue royal icing or any other color you want. I like blue so that is the color I went with.
Be sure to set some white icing aside to tint green for grass. You won't need much. Just a small handful.
Watch the Youtube Video I found to see how to make Royal Icing.

Okay I messed up here. OPPPS!! Just ignore that bright blue icing around both eggs.
For some reason I was not paying attention and glued them together before I even did the inside of the egg.
It don't matter cause you can't see that part of the egg anyways.
It will be covered up.
Okay so grab some of your blue royal icing and smear on some clouds in the middle of the egg.

Here is the blue clouds all smeared.

Next add some green royal icing and smear that all over the bottom under the clouds.

I added some colorful sprinkles to the blue sky and some jelly beans in the grass.
I actually stuck 3 smarties in there but decided to take them out. (Don't ask!)
I have no idea what I am doing here.
I am just looking through my cabinets trying to find something that will go in my egg that will look half way cool.
As you can see....I didn't really come up with much. You might want to add some sugar objects that will be appropriate.

Let's glue our egg together now. Just pipe some of that blue icing all around the egg to seal it.

Now that you have your egg glued it will look like this. Minus the ugly blue stain I have going on in the window of the egg.
Because I am sure you are smart enough not to do what I did and try to glue the egg together before you add your stuff in the middle of the egg.

Pipe some blue icing all around the sugar egg and in the window of the egg.

Pipe on some blue stars all over the sugar egg to make it even more pretty.

Okay here is the finished egg.
Some colored sugar eggs!