Christian Glitter Graphics
Gif Clip Art
Note: These glitter
graphics are not copy and paste type of pictures. You have to do the
SAVE IMAGE AS. Follow the directions in the glitter graphic picture to
get it on your computer. If you try to copy and paste it, they will not
glitter. You have to click your right mouse button and click SAVE IMAGE AS not the COPY button.......Hope that helps you out! Just follow the instructions when you click on link.
Click on link below to see Glitter Graphics!
Old Testament Stories-(Jonah & Whale,Joseph's Coat,Abraham, Noah,etc.)
New Testament Stories-(Temptation of Christ, Triumphal Entry, Disciples, etc.)
Church Stuff- (Bibles, Anointing Oil, Church House,etc.)
Animals- (Pig, Sheep, Bird, Goat, Armadillo, etc.)
Parables Of Jesus- ( parable of the leaven, parable of the wheat and tares, parable of the sower...etc)
Thanksgiving- (Turkey and Thanksgiving Stuff)
Christmas -(Baby Jesus and His sheep, Nativity Scene)