Filled With The Holy Spirit
Acts 2:3
"Cloven tongues of fire over each person, Holy Spirit Clipart"
What Does The Holy Spirit Do?
Creates (Genesis 1:2, Psalm 104:30)
Guides (John 16:13)
Teaches (John 14:26)
Gave Power To Prophets And Anointed Kings
(1 Samuel 16:13, Isaiah 61:1, Micah 3:8)
Inspired Writing Of The Scriptures
(2 Timothy 3:16)
Produces Fruit (Galatians 5:22-23)
Names For The Holy Spirit
Advocate/Helper (John 14:16)
Holy Ghost (Hebrews 2:4)
The Spirit (John 14:17)
Did you know that the word for "a mighty wind" or "Spirit of God" that moved over the water when God created the world came from the hebrew word ruach, which means "breath" or "wind" or "spirit" .