A List of Other
Names for Jesus
Alpha and Omega /Rev 21:6
Bread of Life/John 6:35
Bridegroom/ Matt 9:15
Chief Cornerstone/Eph 2:20
Chief Shepherd/1 Pet 5:4
Christ/Matt 16:16
Firstborn from the Dead/Col 1:18
Good Shepherd/John 10:11
High Priest/Heb 3:1
Holy One Of God/Mark 1:24
Immanuel/Matt 1:23
Jesus/Matt 1:21
King of Kings Lord of Lords/Rev 19:16
Lamb of God /John 1:29
Light of the World/John 9:5
Lion From The Tribe Of Judah/Rev 5:5
Lord/Rom 10:9
Lord of Glory/1 Cor 2:8
Mediator/1 Tim 2:5
Messiah/Matt 16:16
Prophet/Luke 13:33
Rabbi-Teacher/John 3:2
Savior/John 4:42
Son Of David/Matt 9:27
Son Of God/John 20:31
Son Of Man/Matt 20:28
The Most Important Stone/ Eph 2:20
The One Who Raises Dead To Life/ John 11:25
The Word Of God/ Rev 19:13
Word/John 1:1
I am the Bread of Life/John 6:35
I am the Light of the World/John 8:12
I am the Gate for the Sheep/John 10:7
I am the Good Shepherd/John 10:11,14
I am the Resurrection and the Life/John 11:25
I am the Way, The Truth and the Life/John 14:6
I am the True Vine/John 15:1,5
I am a King/ John 18:37
List of Other Names For Jesus Printable Template (Printable Version)