Other Names For God
Name Scripture Meaning
Adonai Ps 2:4 Lord, Master
El-Berith Judg 9:46 God of the Covenant
El Elyon Gen 14:18-20 Most high God/Exalted One
El Olam Gen 21:33 The Eternal God
El Shaddai Gen 17:1-2 All Powerful God
Qedosh Yisra'el Isa 1:4 The Holy One of Israel
Shapat Gen 18:25 Judge/Ruler
Yahweh-jereh Gen 22:14 Yahweh Provides
Yahweh-seba'ot 1 Sam 1:3 Yahweh of Armies
Yahweh-shalom Judg 6:24 Yahweh is Peace
Yahweh-tsidkenu Jer 23:6 Yahweh Our Righteousness
Aramic Names
Attiq yomin Dan 7:9 Ancient of Days
Illaya Dan 7:25 Most High