Church Fundraising Ideas
What are some ways to raise money for the youth groups at Church?
- Bake Sale
- Cookie Bake Sale
- Brownie Bake Sale
- Candy Bake Sale
- Cake Bake Sale
- Fudge Bake Sale
- Cupcake Bake Sale
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Bake Sale
- Candy Bar Bake Sale
- Doughnut Bake Sale
- Popcorn Ball Bake Sale
- Candy Apple Bake Sale
- Yard Sale- have the church people bring their stuff they want to donate and sell
- Car Wash- wash vehicles in town
- Pancake Breakfast- have the church folks cook and bring stuff and donate in a large jar
- Flowers- sell bulbs
- Christmas Ornaments- make different ornaments and sell them
- Old Fashioned Photography At Church- take old fashioned black and white pictures of families
- Candy Canes- Sell individual candy canes to make a profit
- Lollipop- Sell them individually
- Pizza- Sell slices of pizza
- Popcorn- Sell cooked popcorn or non-cooked popcorn in bags
- Spaghetti Dinner - Have church people bring cooked spaghetti and add a donation jar
- Chili Dinner- Church people bring chili and donate in large jar
- Ice Cream Bars- Sell individual bars
- Garden Sales- Have church people bring whats growing in their garden-flowers, vegetables, etc
- Christian T-Shirts- Buy in bulk and sell for more to make a profit
- Cookie Dough
- Christmas Trees
- Auction
- Hot Dogs- Sell individually
- Hamburgers- Sell individually
- Art Sale- let kids create their own art and put a price tag on it
- Beef Jerky- Buy in bulk or homemade
- Corndogs- Sell individually
- Nachos- Sell individual bowls
- Debbie Cakes- Sell snack cakes individually
- Cookbooks
- Pies- Have the church ladies cook up some pies and put a price tag on it
- Surprise Casseroles- Have the church ladies bring casseroles and add price tag to it
If you need clipart pictures to print off and put on donation jars or anything dealing with the bake sales then check out our clipart. We might have what you are looking for.
Don't forget we have Sunday school Lessons that are paired up with recipes, mazes, writing paper, coloring pages and more.