Easter Sunday School Lesson Idea -Miscellaneous Easter Ideas

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Easter Egg Jesus Lives Gift Bag For Kids
Easter Egg With Bible Snacks www.ChurchHouseCollection.com Sunday School Children's Church Easter Snack Ideas
Easter Salt Dough Crosses
Easter Egg Cupcakes Jesus Is Alive

Easter Egg Cupcakes

"Jesus Is Alive"

Easter Egg Pigtail Cupcakes and just plain Easter Egg Cupcakes

Easter Clipart
Sugar Eggs
Resurrection Eggs Craft
Easter Resurrection Crafts
Easter Resurrection Coloring Pages
Easter Rice Krispy Tomb Cake
Easter Sheep Snack For Sunday School
Easter Mobile Craft Jesus Cross Tomb Resurrection
Jesus Acension Cupcakes snack for Kids Sunday school
Easter Tomb Salt Dough Craft
Easter Sunday School Lesson

 Easter Cutout 

(Black and white)

Cut this picture out and glue to construction paper.

Easter Resurrection Maze
Easter Cross Printable Puzzle

Easter Puzzle 

Cut pieces out and glue together on construction paper to make a cross picture.

Easter Sunday school Lesson
Easter Sunday school Lesson
Easter Resurrection Maze
Easter Resurrection Word in a word Activity Sheet
Easter Resurrection Cupcake Toppers Template

Easter Resurrection Small Cupcake Toppers 

Print and cut out. Tape to toothpick, and stick down in cupcakes. You can also stick in sandwiches. 

Tape them to cups with drinks or fill them with candy or popcorn.

Easter Resurrection Cupcake Toppers Template

Easter Resurrection

Large Cupcake Toppers

Print and cut out. Tape to toothpick, and stick down in cupcakes. You can also stick in sandwiches. 

Tape them to cups with drinks or fill them with candy or popcorn. 

(These are large templates so they may not fit on a small cup.)

Easter Cupcake Toppers

 Easter Cupcake Toppers

Cut out and tape to toothpick and stick down in cupcake. 

You can also tape to cups and fill with candy, popcorn, or drinks. 

Stick them in little sandwiches and much more.

Happy Easter Tomb Jesus Resurrection Picture Cartoon Clipart Image by Church House Collection©

 Bible Storytelling Clipart

8.5  X 11 Image

You can print this out and laminate it. 
Then hold it up for the class while you tell the Easter Story behind how Jesus rose from the dead. 

Easter Resurrection Jesus Is Alive Cross Cartoon Clipart Picture by Church House Collection©

Bible Storytelling Clipart 

8.5  X 11 Image

You can print this out and laminate it. 

Then hold it up for the class while you tell the Easter Story behind how Jesus rose from the dead.

Mary and Jesus At The Tomb. Easter Resurrection Cartoon Clipart Picture by Church House Collection©

Bible Storytelling Clipart 

8.5  X 11 Image

You can print this out and laminate it.
 Then hold it up for the class while you tell the Easter Story behind how Jesus rose from the dead. 

Happy Easter Jesus Rose From The Dead On The Third Day! Tomb Cliart Picture Cartoon by Church House Collection©

 Bible Storytelling Clipart 

8.5  X 11 Image

You can print this out and laminate it. 
Then hold it up for the class while you tell the Easter Story behind how Jesus rose from the dead. 

Easter Resurrection Cross Clipart

Cross Clipart 

Copy and Paste

Easter Resurrection Clipart Pictures

Jesus Rose From Tomb Clipart

Copy and Paste

Easter Tomb Clipart

Easter Tomb Clipart 

Copy and Paste

Easter Resurrection Clipart

Jesus Clipart 

Copy and Paste

Easter Word Search

 Easter Word Search

Black and White

(Be sure to scale this

before you print it out.)

Easter Word Search

Easter Word Search

With Colored Tomb & Jesus

(Be sure to scale this beforeyou print. You do this by clicking on the print preview from your own computer. 

Then click the scale button and adjust the numbers for the printing size.)

Easter Resurrection Basket
Easter Sunday School Lesson
Easter Resurrection Recipes
Easter Tomb Template- Easter Cutout Picture

Easter Tomb Cutout Picture


Black and White

Just print and glue down on construction paper. 

Cut on dotted lines around stone for the stone door to open and close.

Easter Tomb Resurrection Cupcakes

 Easter Tomb Resurrection


Easter Resurrection Felt Picture Craft
Easter Math Worksheets For Kids