We have a few Jesus Clipart pictures for you to copy and paste. Please do not sell the clipart. If you use our clipart please feel free to link back to us. Thanks so much. May the Lord bless you! Use these clipart pictures for Sunday school Class or Children's Church.
Looking for Baby Jesus clipart? We have baby Jesus in the manger with his little sheep. Check it out too!
Jesus and the devil clipart
Jesus tempted by satan clipart
Jesus and the Transfiguration clipart
Jesus calms the storm clipart
Jesus with little child clipart
Jesus calling Andrew and Peter clipart
Jesus praying clipart
the Lords supper clipart
Jesus rebuking demon clipart
Jesus and man clipart
Jesus speaks to the storm clipart
Jesus and two blind men clipart
Jesus praying clipart
Jesus speaking clipart
Jesus heals ear clipart
Jesus heals lame clipart
Jesus heals girl clipart
Jesus heals leaper clipart
Jesus and the centerion clipart
Jesus heals dead boy clipart
Jesus heals a woman clipart
Jesus talking to children clipart
Jesus spits in dirt clipart
Jesus walks on water clipart
Jesus clipart
Jesus heals man clipart
Jesus and crying woman clipart
Jesus heals woman with infirmity clipart
Jesus raised Lazarus from dead clipart
Jesus with crown of thorns clipart
Jesus and The Holy Spirit Clipart
Jesus healing clipart