Jesus Died On The Cross
Easter Banner
Mar 10:34 And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again.
Jesus Banner Template-printable version
Yarn- 22 inches long
2 Wooden Clothespins- Optional
2 Purple Plastic Eggs- Optional
Print the Jesus banner template out. This comes with three banners on it. Cut them out. You could laminate them if you want but I didn't do it with the ones that you see in this picture. Cut a piece of yarn that is 22 inches long. Now just tape all three of your banners across the piece of yarn. You do not want to fold the top of the banner down over the yarn on this template because if you do that you will cover the top of Jesus's head.
I took clothespins and pinned them on each end and used some tape to stick a purple plastic egg on each end. You could also hot glue them.
This looks good without the clothespins and eggs too. You could always use a pretty paper lily flower that you made to go on each end. I actually took this off the door and strung it up on the refrigerator, minus the eggs and clothespins.
This is a great little banner to hang up for Easter for a reminder of what Easter is really all about. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
You could do a Jesus Easter Party at Church with the kids and string these up on the doors for a banner to show the kids what Jesus is all about. Make Jesus Ascension cupcakes or a Rice Krispy Tomb Cake. You could make Jesus Died on the cross cupcakes if you want to try that one. I mean no disrespect by these cupcake toppers that I make. I love Jesus very much and I really don't see anything wrong with a Jesus died on the cross cupcake topper, but I realize that this may offend some. I really don't think Jesus will be offended if you make "Jesus Died on the Cross cupcakes". He might actually smile that you thought so much of him. He loved you so much he died for you. That might be disgusting to some but I think it's wonderful that he gave his life for us. Thank the Lord for dying for our dirty filthy sins so we could be forgiven.
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