Shapes Clipart

We have Colored Shapes, Crying Shapes, Arrow Shapes, Heart Shapes, Square Shapes, Odd Shapes, Mad Shapes, Happy Shapes, Angry Shapes, Blue Shapes, Orange Shapes, Blue Shapes, Green Shapes, Pink Shapes, Purples Shapes, Smiling Shapes, Crying Shapes, Sleeping Shapes, Bible Reading Shapes, Tan Shapes, Diamond Shapes, Triangle Shapes, Circle Shapes, Square Shapes, Rectangle Shapes...

All clipart is free for classroom settings. Just copy and paste.

Orange Arrow Clipart

Green Smiling Arrow Clipart

Red Arrow and Green Arrow Clipart


Blue Bucktooth Arrow Clipart

Pink Scared or Worried Arrow Clipart

Blue Smiling Arrow and Purple Smiling Arrow Clipart

Angry or Mad Red Heart Clipart

Pink smiling Heart Clipart

Red Heart and Pink Heart In Love Clipart

Red Heart sleeping Clipart

Pink Heart Crying Clipart

Family Of Five Heart Clipart

Pink Heart Reading Bible Clipart

Sleepy Tan Shape Clipart


Green Shape Clipart

Orange Shape Eating Word Clipart


Blue Arrow Reading Bible Clipart

Smiling Purple Square Clipart

Family of Five Square Clipart

Diamond Shape Clipart


Green Bucktooth Triangle Clipart

Blue Circle Clipart

Square With Beard Clipart

Smiling Rectangle

Grandma and Grandpa Shape with Grandkid Shape Clipart


Husband and Wife Shapes Clipart